I am a meat eater and have never understood why people stop eating meat. I have a friend who said that we are omnivores. We would have teeth like a rabbit if we ate nothing but vegetables. Makes sense to me.
I don’t know anybody in my family who doesn’t eat meat. And like my dad, I love a juicy steak, a rare juicy steak. I like my steaks rare, but not my chicken.
Occasionally, I get a waitress who questions me about my order for a rare steak. She will ask me if I understand that it will have a cool center or that blood may come out of it. Always, I tell her I know that.

One time, my dad ordered a rare steak and a waitress treated him the same way. She replied with another question as he answered each. Finally, Daddy looked her straight in the eyes and said., “Honey, I don’t think you understand. Just tell the chef to knock his horns off, wipe his ass, and pass him quickly over the coals.” She looked at him stricken, and my mama said, “William.” in the same way she did when she scolded us.
Having said this, though, I am 70 years old and my digestive tract does not work as well as it used to. So I never eat red meat more than once every four days. I have to give my system a chance to rest. I believe red meat is harder to digest than other meats.
So is everyone else having trouble with eating red meat? Or is it just me?
I can’t eat shrimp either, but that is another story.
All of this is a reminder. Getting old ain’t for sissies!