I was deficient of Magnesium, but not anymore. I take my supplements religiously every night just before bed–400 mg of Magnesium citrate for me.
It took me years, but this may be the most important supplement for my body. For me it cured my sleeplessness and problems with an inability to poop regularly.
Different Types of Magnesium
I tried taking Magnesium years ago, but it didn’t seem to be working. That’s because it wasn’t. Turns out I was taking Magnesium oxide, a type that is hard for my body to absorb.
When we are young, our bodies absorb nutrients more easily; but as we age our bodies lose that ability. What I needed was a magnesium that absorbed easier. My doctor suggested magnesium citrate.
A few years ago, I had trouble sleeping. My doctor, Dr. Leslie Emhoff, suggested three supplements, one of which was Magnesium citrate. It turns out that it was the Magnesium rather than the other two supplements that helped me return to sleeping regularly. Big problem solved. You can read more here.
But still I skipped taking it, sometimes several days in a row, until I couldn’t sleep a night and then I would begin taking it again. I hate taking pills.
Magnesium for Regularity
So on to problem number two, which was a problem with doing number two. Frankly, I just couldn’t figure it out. I watched my fiber intake, but it was hit and miss. I tried to make sure I got whole foods including whole grains. And plenty of them, but still I found myself constipated from time to time. I couldn’t figure it out.
Then a a couple of months ago I was at an elderly friend’s home, and Dr. Oz came on her caretaker’s tv talking about constipation. All of a sudden all three of us, my friend, her caretaker, and I were glued to the set. Seems all three of us, all over 60, have trouble in this department.
Somewhere during his presentation, Dr. Oz said that taking a Magnesium supplement can help with constipation. Voila! So I started making sure I took it every night and have had no problems ever since.
A Vastly Underappreciated Supplement
Turns out Magnesium helps with all kinds of problems. It seems that it is vastly under appreciated when it comes to our health.
It is vital for bone health, helping with bone density. For example, did you know that more than half the Magnesium stored in our bodies is stored in our bones?
It helps Vitamin D do it’s job, which I just found I’m deficient, even though I already took it. Dr. Emhoff just increased my Vitamin D.
Magnesium is important for heart health. It seems that it relaxes our muscles, and our heart is just that–a muscle. It relaxes blood vessels, and this in turn lowers blood pressure.
Magnesium deficiency may be linked to the growing number of problems with insulin resistance and type II diabetes. There seems to be a correlation between type II diabetes and lower Magnesium stores.
Magnesium deficiency may be linked to inflammation. One study showed a correlation between higher Magnesium stores and less markers for inflammation.
So magnesium needs to be elevated to a super supplement in my book. Especially since it helps with problems in both my bedroom and my bathroom.
Sources of Magnesium
I take it in a supplement, but many people may be able to get it from the foods they eat. I’m a meat eater and love beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc.; but you need leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and legumes to get enough Magnesium.
Also, there are foods that take it out of our bodies, such as sodas and caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea. I drink a lot of tea, so I probably need to take the supplement.
Magnesium deficiency can be related to all kinds of problems such as muscle cramps and spasms, tics, anxiety, and even seizures. It may also be related to chronic fatigue and depression. And when magnesium is low, our bodies strip it from our bones, where it is needed to work with Vitamin D and calcium.
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I purchase my magnesium citrate through Amazon. Here is a link below to what I use.
A very good article about magnesium deficiency can be found here.
But back to the bathroom problem. I remember my Grandmother taking Milk of Magnesia. I didn’t know why she took it, but I know now it was a laxative.
It seems that constipation is not caused by magnesium deficiency, but taking magnesium citrate simply helps relax your bowels and draws water into the intestines. You can read about it here.
The article also talks about those of us who should not take Magnesium citrate. If you fall in one of these categories, you should speak to your doctor before taking it.
My husband Chuck has problems with magnesium citrate, but his body responded well to Magnesium glycinate. If your stools are too loose try Magnesium glycinate.
Magnesium is involved in more than 300 reactions in our bodies. All I know, though, is that magnificent Magnesium has made my life so much better.
Do you take supplements to ensure healthy aging? Are there any that you feel have contributed to good health in your 50s, 60s and/or 70s? Please share in the comments section below.
Just changed my calcium to include magnesium. We will see how it does for me?
It sure helped me. I hope it does the same for you. Thank you for commenting!
I have found that going to bed & waking up at the same time everyday has helped my sleep a lot. I go to bed at 10pm & get 7 hours sleep. The only problem I would like to solve, is getting up to the toilet 2 to 3 times during the night. I wouldn’t mind going just once!
I found that this works for me, too. Keeping a schedule is better.thank you for commenting,