We got to Whaley Ranch on Canoe Creek Rd. about 20 miles south of St. Cloud, Florida a little after 3 pm for the cattle drive. We will spend our first night here.
Check in went quickly, as did setting up our camp. Below are our Cattle Drive neighbors. We are in Camp 1 containing mostly North Florida people, I believe. We in Camp 1 all have green bandannas.
After setting up camp, they told us to take our car to the Cattle Drive ‘s trail’s end, which was about seventeen miles away. There, we were to leave the car and catch a shuttle for the return.
While we were waiting and talking to a small group of people, a pickup truck stopped and asked if we wanted a ride back to the beginning of the Cattle Drive. The others said yes and began piling into the tail bed. So Chuck and I joined them, because someone said that the shuttle wouldn’t be any better but would take longer.
I haven’t ridden in the tailbed of a truck in a long time; but all six of us hunkered down back there, as the truck went faster. It was a nice 54 degrees with the sunshine adding extra warmth, but hauling ass at 70 miles per hour, it felt like 40 degrees or lower. brrrr!
We survived and got back just to the Cattle Drive just in time to line up for dinner at the mess tent, us and 498 strangers. I hardly know a sole here.
The food was good, especially the bar-b-q chicken and lemon meringue pie. Afterwards, there was music and instructions from Doyle Connor, Jr. and our trail boss. I actually know Doyle, Jr. from his days as head of the Madison County Chamber. His father was also Florida’s long-time Commissioner of Agriculture.
Just before we went back to the camp we also met with our Cattle Drive group leader. Chuck and I will be walking with the wagons tomorrow.
Getting ready for bed was very interesting. Thank goodness we brought wipes for bathing, because that is all we will have for the entire week.
We are fairly close to three port-a-potties. We have self-inflating mats and good sleeping bags for sleeping. It is 41 degrees, so we should be fine. We’ve slept in these same sleeping bags in much lower temperatures for trout fishing trips as far north as Canada.
Wish us luck for a good night’s rest. There are some horses penned directly behind us. We should be able to speak fluent neigh by tomorrow morning.
Awesome? Sounds like fun. Hope U have a great adventure. Stay safe!
I hope y’all didn’t freeze last night. You were SO smart to endure yourselves before the cattle drive. Sounds like you shouldn’t have any problems walking the miles per day. I’m so impressed with how adventurous you both are. Good luck!!
Thank you Dianne. Wait until you read today’s post.