I’ve been hoarding a little secret about how I take care of my chin hair. I’ll share in this my first ever blog post; but first, why am I starting a blog now?
Why not now! As I move through this stage in my life, this stage that others call “senior”, I learn something new every day. These are minor things that become moments of great revelation for me because I encountered them for the first time such as what to do about chin hair. So for about a year, I thought I should be sharing. It is my hope, too, that you will share your little secrets in reply.
I lost my Mom and Dad over a decade ago before I entered this senior stage. So most of what I have to go on came from my grandmothers who both attained a ripe old age, one 92 and the other 99. Unfortunately, I was young then and lived under the veil of perceived immortality. I’m afraid I wasn’t paying much attention.
Today, here I am, treading water and looking for answers to help me find my way through this, and yet just another, stage in my life.
Crap, I got Chin Hair
So what would I like to share first? Well, this morning I looked into my magnified mirror (10X); and there they were again. Six black hairs on my chin, sprouting here and there with no rhyme or reason. It is my mother’s mother’s chin. I remember looking up at my Grandmother at those hairs. Certainly, these six are not mine. Of course, I know better, because I have been dealing with them for about a decade.
Many Different Ways to Tackle Chin Hairs
First, I plucked them for a while. That was when I could still see them with no magnification. I was always on them like white on rice. No way was I going to let anyone see those hairs, and back then there were about twenty of them. So why are there only six now? I’ll explain later.
Second, I had them waxed, along with all the fine fuzz that began to form around my jawline, upper lip, etc. I went in about once a month for the waxing and plucked the twenty that grew faster in between the waxing.
Third, I even tried depilatory creams.
Fourth, I started making more money in my career, so I went to see my plastic surgeon about having laser hair removal. It was supposed to be five to six sessions at about $150 per session. This was quite a few years ago. I think I’ve been somewhere between ten and twelve times now, and these six remain. Where there were about twenty, now there are six. I gave up, especially since nothing will take care of the blond fuzz elsewhere.
But there is a fifth way that I found that works better.
First, an explanation; because what I do may surprise you.
My Dad passed away over a decade ago. My sisters and I cleaned out their home, and we divided their possessions between ourselves and the grandchildren. What was left were many items that no one seemed to want, including a brand new electric shaver.
I was familiar with this shaver. Earlier, while fighting cancer he needed one, so I went out and bought him a nice one recommended by “Consumer Reports”. I was so optimistic at the time, but the shaver was all of three months old when Dad’s cancer unexpectedly came roaring back with a vengeance. He passed very quickly.
Since I owned the family home, I sifted through the remaining items and kept the shaver, thinking my husband may want to try it. Finally, after it set around our own home for several years, I decided to try it on my legs.
Here is what I learned. Within a couple of months, the hair on my legs became soft and non-stubby. I use it twice a week on my dry legs, and it works great for me.
So what do I do now? What is my secret?
So what does this have to do with the six stubby hairs? Well, I take my electric shaver; and I lightly go over them and the peach fuzz, as well. Problem solved. I have been doing this for about two years and they softened over time and became non-stubby.
(Note: This was written in 2013, so it has been almost seven years since I began using an electric shaver for my now grey chin hairs. There’s only five of them left. One stopped growing. The electric shaver still works great.)
My husband knows nothing about this. I’m also too vain to let anyone else in my life know, until now. But now you know and my secret is out!
And that is why I now have a blog. I’m tired of keeping all these little secrets, which probably aren’t all that secret anyway.
I’m pretty bold and naïve to try just about anything. I’ll share both the successes and the screw-ups.
More later!
PS. Please sign up for my blog. All you have to do is add your email to the top right of the page and click on the subscribe button. I only post once a week unless I’m traveling so you only get an email a week at the most. For travel, it may be different, though. For example, I posted daily from Peru and China.
Thanks for reading!!
Are you a woman who suffers with chin hair? How soon did you notice yours? How do you remove yours?
I have to keep an eye on my ears. (How’s that for a visual?) Seriously though, Occasionally I have to pluck the longer, thicker hairs growing on my ears. On one occasion, I was appalled to find two or three that “overnight” had sprouted and grown to 100lb test mono-filament size. To compound matters, although I am not “gorilla hairy”, I have hair on my chest and back. It’s good that I am not a younger man because it’s my understanding that the fashionable, younger people, (male and female) remove ALL their body hair.
LOL. Thanks for the comments.
Of course I have to sign up for your blog! Only you can make a story about chin hairs a fun read.
Thank you so much for reading and subscribing. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for sharing … I also use an electric but mine is called finishing touch
I have to try that. I’ve always used a man’s razor. Thanks.