Those of you who are veteran readers of this blog know that from time to time I drop a post on “how to save money.” Mostly, it is a product that is cheaper than another or something I did. You can read one here.
Today, though, I want to show you how I get to all the product in tubes without throwing any away. I’m sure many of you already do this, but younger people may not.

I have quite a few products that come in tubes, usually plastic tubes. Now, I slice the tubes in half to uncover what is left inside.
Somewhere in my yesteryears, I usually wasted the remaining contents of tubes. I also found that a key would not work on plastic tubes as well as metal. One day, I took a pair of scissors and cut a tube in half—a tube I thought was empty. There was lots of product left.
It changed everything. I even figured out a way to keep its contents fresh until gone. I use the bottom half to make a cap to fit over the top half.

The cap keeps the product fresh. Here is an example of sunscreen and how I cut it and placed it back on.

I also do this for an eye gel that I get from my doctor.

Notice how much of this product is left even when you think you have gotten all of it out. Since I only use a small pea size of this product at night, there is about three weeks of this product left, maybe more. And this stuff ain’t cheap!

If you don’t already use this system, give it a try!
That’s a great idea! For my toothpaste, I squeeze it down, fold the empty part down, and use a clip usually used with papers to secure the folded down part. The clip is the flat kind with wire “handles” that can be folded down against the tube. They come in assorted sizes.
Another great idea! Thank you so much!