Today, I read an article through Bloglovin called How to Speed Clean Your Home in 15 Minutes. This was an excellent article, and it included tips on quick cleaning that I have used for years.
Often, just before a party, I almost always run out of time. I have to stop working on the unrealistic list of what I would like to do and bring the house in for a landing.
I almost always bite off more than I can chew, so the massive flower arrangement I had planned for the piano becomes a group of framed pictures of family and a candelabra (something I already had.). And that new wreath I had planned for the front door becomes a seasonal wreath that I rotate year in and year out.
But the house itself is not ready, so this is why I put away the unrealistic list and do a speed clean throughout the house. I always try to leave myself about 30 minutes for this, but this speed cleaning article has made me rethink this. I should allow myself 45 minutes, because of the number of rooms in my house.
I already play music when I seriously clean. I love good old kick-ass country or classic rock and roll, so either works well for me. Music helps the time pass and keeps me moving.
Blake Shelton “The Boys Round Here”
I use baskets; but only three, one for for each floor. I’ll expand that to one for each room. I store lots of baskets in the garage anyway, so I already have enough on hand.
How do you speed clean your home? Do you have any new ideas for getting the job done faster? Please share!
Very superb info can be found on web blog.