“I’m so glad I’m not famous. I would hate to have this guy digging around in my mental attic.”
I’m reading the biography of P. L. Travers, the woman who wrote “Mary Poppins”. I found this quote in the book, “Mary Poppins, She Wrote: The Life of P. L. Travers” by Valerie Lawson.
Another quote was from a biographer…
“…biographer Michael Holroyd, who has said,
I discriminate between the rights of the living and the dead…When we are living we need all our sentimentalities, our evasions, our half-truths and our white lies, to get through life. When we are dead different rules apply.”
I have this book and am reading it myself. I’ll review it when I’m done.
“When we are living we need all our sentimentalities, our evasions, our half-truths and our white lies, to get through life.”
Yes, and we also need our faith, hope, dreams and aspirations to get through life, too.
As for those who would rummage for our “sentimentalities, evasions, half-truths, white lies” racy photos, old love letters, sex toys, etc. I say, “Burn them while you still have the mental capacity.” 🙂
I mean burn the objects, not the potential rummagers.